Have you wondered when is the best time to schedule a newborn photo session? Or have you asked yourself, “Is my baby too old to schedule a newborn session?” I’d like to clear up some questions that people have asked about scheduling for newborn sessions.
Newborn sessions are typically held 5-13 days of birth. These sessions are scheduled in advance to you going to the hospital. Typically, I recommend once you know your due date, you can reach out to us. However, there have been times when I was able to squeeze someone in because it wasn’t possible to schedule in advance or it was on your to do list that got over looked. I know how it is to wait 9 months and think you have all this time and then poof..the big day is upon you. Don’t worry! I got your back on this one.
If your baby is outside of the 5-13 day window, you can absolutely still schedule. I have worked with older newborns. The older the newborn gets the more awake time they have. This can be a wonderful way to get open eyes and awake images for your gallery. So don’t stress about maybe missing the window. You do however, want to schedule your newborn session as soon as possible because these early days/ weeks your little one will grow and change so fast. These are the fleeting moments that we want to capture because they are never this small again.
Sep 8, 2021